Friday, October 26, 2012

Praise God

More exciting news, David got the job at Sears! God has truly blessed us in just the one week we've been here. It only took us less than one week for both of us to find jobs, where in Campbellsville it took much longer. God is showing me He wants us to be here. He's already blessed us this much, I know He has much more in store! 

I'm thinking about taking next week to focus on my writing since I don't have to job hunt. Thankfully I shouldn't need to go anywhere, since David probably starts next week. We desperately need to get his car fixed, but don't really have the money. Prayers would be much appreciated that God would provide a way for that to happen. This week has been so good, and I just feel like it's going to keep getting better. I'm kind of on Cloud 9 since we've both got jobs so quickly, and there is a chance that if we do well, they could keep us after the holidays. God is just so awesome!

As much as God has already blessed us with, I still get a feeling that it'll soon be my time to experience the joy of having a family. I don't know when, but I sometimes get little reminders from God that my time is coming. Now that we both have good paying jobs, I'm hoping it will be very soon. Until then, I'm living vicariously through all my pregnant friends. I know that sounds sad, but it's bittersweet. I just keep praying and waiting. Somehow, it's a little easier knowing we're here. I feel like this is where we're supposed to be.

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