Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's Moving Time

This week is going to go by fast, and there is a whirlwind of things to get done during that time. We are done with Sonic and are fully focused on emptying and cleaning the house. Crazy to think at the end of the week we'll be going to Cincinnati, not to visit, but to stay. I think it'll hit me either when I start looking for a job there, or when we've been there for more than a week. Or both.

Moving has almost completely distracted me from the fact that at the end of this week will be the one year anniversary of my Grandpa's death. I say almost because I will be going through old pictures and see one of him and feel something tugging at me, or I'll see something about John Wayne and the same thing will happen (he was a huge John Wayne fan). I guess that's all for now, but I'll try to remember to post something on moving day. Only four days left!

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