Monday, August 20, 2012


After too long a hiatus of not writing, I've discovered that trying to write a book right off the bat was too intimidating for me, as it should be. So I am now attempting something on a bit smaller of a scale, such as short stories, or even articles. I'm not sure what to write about, but I'm taking my inspiration from wherever I can get it. However, until my writing takes off, I need another way of helping bring income to our family.

I like working at Sonic, but I'm not making enough money there, especially since it's getting cooler and business is slow. So David and I have applied at Amazon and are waiting for them to call back to go forward with the interview. The only reason we weren't interviewed right away was because we have worked with them before and they have to make sure weren't fired or anything. Hopefully we will hear something soon, but we're not really worried about it. It's the waiting game we hate the most. Another financial instability right now is our cars. It seems like everything breaks at the same time and right around paycheck time, but we can get through this. God will provide as He always has and always will.

On a different note, my spiritual walk hasn't been the best lately. I haven't been on fire like I used to, and David's Facebook status made that clear to me. Of course his walk hasn't been the best either, but we'll help each other with that. We're struggling spiritually and financially, but we will make it with God's help.

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