Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Finding a job in our desired careers is proving to be next to impossible. For me, any writing job I could find was either medical or technical, so I figured I'd give it a shot because you have to start somewhere. However, the one problem I kept coming across was that every job I found said I should have at least one year experience in the field. I hate that because you can't get a job without experience and you can't gain experience without a job. It's a vicious cycle you can't win. I'm trying to find anything I can in writing, but it's a lot harder than you think. Even getting my masters seems to be harder since I'm apparently supposed to have written something big already to submit. The problem with that is, my whole goal was to take more classes so I can increase my knowledge to make my work better, which is what I thought masters classes were for. So it's that cycle again- need more knowledge in order to write better, but have to write something in order to get to where I need to be to get more knowledge!

David has sent out countless resumes to churches all over. Unfortunately the first "batch" was all rejects. Also unfortunately for him, he can't do much to gain experience until he gets a job, unless it's volunteering at church or something. He said something this morning in response to a realization I had about a previous email- we need to concentrate more on our careers more than our jobs, or we'll be stuck here for who knows how long.

I agree, but there's one thing I've just realized. If I'm not continuously immersed in or connected to my writing, it falls by the way side. That's why I want to take classes, so I can get that shove I need to get back into it. I seem to make good progress, then decide I'm done for a day or so, then life takes over and my writing sits in a corner for a while. I almost forget it's there. I don't want to do that. I think I need more discipline but I'm not sure how to do that. I also think part of the reason I'm so loose with it is because it's not my job yet. If I had a deadline I think it would help. I'm just realizing all this as I'm writing, which tells me something. It's like ideas come to me as I type, so maybe I just need to sit down and just type.

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