Saturday, August 11, 2012

Breath of Fresh Air/Breakthrough

I know, crazy to post twice in one day, but this one's worth it. My younger sister-in-law stayed with us this week, and my in-laws came to pick her up today. Upon their departure, I was grateful to have my husband back to myself again. We were putting things in the kitchen when we struck a conversation about being happy to be alone. Then it hit me: I'm not ready in some aspects, to have a baby. I am, but I'm not. I like having David all to myself, and I'm content. I'm truly content, which is what lesson God has been trying to teach me. I've never felt that way about having a family before. David's all mine until God says otherwise, and I'm okay with that. For the first time, I really do want to focus on my career instead of dueling with my maternal instincts. It's so funny, my mind can only focus on one thing at a time; it's been baby for a while and now it's back to writing. Maybe I'll be inspired again. I feel good. Relaxed. Happy. Wow, God sure has a funny way of doing things.

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