Tuesday, July 31, 2012


So this is my first time attempting the blog. I keep hearing it's a great way to get your writing out there, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I guess I should start out telling you a little about me. I've been married for two years, no kids yet (unfortunately, but that's a topic of it's own), and we've both graduated college. My husband David has a degree in Educational Ministries and I have a degree in English. We are both in our early twenties, have red hair, and work minimum wage jobs because we can't find one in our profession yet. We are both Christians and go to church as often as work will let us. David is in the National Guard and has three siblings and I'm an only child.

Okay, I'm pretty sure that covers all the bases. My life is complicated at the moment, and has been for at least the past year. I'm honestly not even sure where to start because it all connects together. I guess I'll start with married life. We got married in college, so that was tough because suddenly we didn't hang out with our friends near as often, and most of the time spent together was doing school work. We have already been through so much in these past two years, so much so that people keep saying we've been through more in two years than some couples do in, say, five years or so. Just to give you an idea, in the first year to year and a half, I had a miscarriage, chemical pregnancy, David lost his job of nine months, and both my grandfathers died within two weeks of each other. The last three were over the span of about a month or so. However, there have been four (maybe five) things that have gotten us through- God, each other, our family, friends, and for me (for a short time) a counselor when my grandfathers died. I really can't wait to see what God's got in store for us, because for all we've been through already, it's going to be incredible!

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