Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I'm Back

I know I haven't written in a very long time. Honestly, I forgot about it and I didn't think anyone was reading. But with the encouragement of a dear friend, author, and mentor, I'm back. I don't know how frequent the posts will be, but they will come. So, as an update, a lot of things have happened since last time.

We are still at Sonic, but we both got the job at Amazon. We are very anxiously waiting to hear what our shift will be, since they don't have any available at the moment (unfortunately). Hoping that will change come the first week of October. Until then we just have to keep plugging along at Sonic, praying that we make enough to make ends meet.

After much prodding and encouragement from several people (including-especially-my parents), I have decided to go on a gluten-free diet. I have been on it for roughly a week now. I figure, even if I'm not allergic, it can't hurt to try it. it can do nothing but good things for me. I'm hoping it will help me lose weight where I can't seem to (my gut), and it's possible that it will help my fertility, which is always a good thing.

David and I have gotten better in our spiritual walk, and I think part of that has to do with the fact that we've actually been able to go to church more than once a month. Praise God, I'm able to go at least three times in a row! That's actually a big deal right now, sadly enough. We've also come to a decision about not being in Campbellsville anymore. We feel like God is telling us to move to Cincinnati. We don't know when, must most likely sometime between December and the first of February, when our lease is up. We will live with my parents until we can save enough money to get our own place, and thankfully we know people with lots of connections.

Speaking of connections, my writing has been a lot better. With the extraordinary help of my mentor, Cheryl, I have written roughly ten pages of a short story. I love what I'm doing, and I'm happy (mostly) with my progress. If I didn't get stuck I would be farther, but then again who doesn't get stuck. Some days I just want to quit my job and spend the day writing. I have been reading a lot lately too, but honestly that gets tiring after a while. Especially when you read so much in a short amount of time, you get burn out quickly. So I switch between reading and writing to even myself out.

Well, I guess that's enough rambling for a little while. Hopefully these posts will be semi-regular. It would help if I knew that people actually wanted to read them. If you don't have an account, you can always shoot me a message or wall post on Facebook.

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