Friday, December 14, 2012

Life is Confusing

I know it's been a few weeks (again), but I have been busy and making good progress in different areas in life. However, certain aspects of those areas are confusing me and I'm unsure of some things right now. Sorry if that doesn't make much sense but I will explain.

First, work has been going well. I'm getting a good number of hours, selling lots of shoes, making my goals plus more, and my name was even on a paper on the wall for what they call "shining stars". I got a lot of points, which basically means I'm good at my job. At least that's what someone told me. That makes me happy. Now this is what confuses me- my schedule is on the computer, and normally I am given two days to work, and I pick the rest. The chosen days should have been today, but there was nothing there. I called HR and they told me if there's nothing available, then it doesn't give me anything. I thought that was strange, seeing as this schedule was for the week of Christmas. I go to the site for work, and I see a message saying there are still hours open for two days, one of which I should have been automatically scheduled for, but wasn't. I'm sure it will work out, I'm just confused at the moment. I also don't know how long I will be employed there, if at all, after the holidays.

On that note, I've been putting my resume out on the web so companies can look at it, so I can hopefully get a job in what I really want to do-write. Since I have had so many customer service positions, I have been receiving emails and phone calls from different companies in different aspects of customer services, none of which I believed I was qualified for. I'm honestly not sure what my response will or should be.

David and I are still hoping that he will keep his job at Sears, although we have some reason to believe otherwise, but hoping it's just a rumor.

My writing has been going really well now that I'm on my medicine. My short story is beginning to have the potential to become a book, and I keep thinking of stuff to include so I'm happy. I just wish I could find work related to my passion.

We have been window shopping online for apartments, just to see what's out there and what we can afford. Can't wait till we can actually go look at potential apartments.

The only thing we are still waiting on is having a family. Really not sure if there is anything different to say on that. Or anything else to say. We are still trying, I'm still on my gluten free diet, and am taking vitamins to help with the progesterone. I still feel like it's gonna be our time soon, I just don't know when "soon" is right now.

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