Friday, October 26, 2012

Praise God

More exciting news, David got the job at Sears! God has truly blessed us in just the one week we've been here. It only took us less than one week for both of us to find jobs, where in Campbellsville it took much longer. God is showing me He wants us to be here. He's already blessed us this much, I know He has much more in store! 

I'm thinking about taking next week to focus on my writing since I don't have to job hunt. Thankfully I shouldn't need to go anywhere, since David probably starts next week. We desperately need to get his car fixed, but don't really have the money. Prayers would be much appreciated that God would provide a way for that to happen. This week has been so good, and I just feel like it's going to keep getting better. I'm kind of on Cloud 9 since we've both got jobs so quickly, and there is a chance that if we do well, they could keep us after the holidays. God is just so awesome!

As much as God has already blessed us with, I still get a feeling that it'll soon be my time to experience the joy of having a family. I don't know when, but I sometimes get little reminders from God that my time is coming. Now that we both have good paying jobs, I'm hoping it will be very soon. Until then, I'm living vicariously through all my pregnant friends. I know that sounds sad, but it's bittersweet. I just keep praying and waiting. Somehow, it's a little easier knowing we're here. I feel like this is where we're supposed to be.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

God is Awesome!

So this week David and I have been focusing on trying to find seasonal work, going all over our side of Cincy trying to find places we could work. We applied at several places and kept praying that God would lead us in the right direction. We started on Monday, and I just got back from an interview at Macy's with a job! It pays great and it's actually a nice place to work where I feel like I'm surrounded by mature people. I just hope I can keep up, but by the grace of God I can. If this is where He wants me to be, then He will help me do what I need to do. David had an interview with Sears, and they apparently require a second interview, which he has tomorrow morning. They put him in docking and loading (working with trucks) instead of cashier, hoping that there is a position open for him. Pray that he finds favor.

My writing has unfortunately suffered greatly since moving, but I think it's because I've been so focused on getting a job and helping around the house, I've just been tired. Also still getting used to the city.

Another great piece of news is that I've gone down two pant sizes without realizing it! I'm still able to wear juniors at JCP, so I didn't know how it translated to women's. My pants are a 16 and some of Mom's jeans are 12. My pants are huge on me and Mom's jeans fit perfectly! My day just keeps getting better! God is so incredible!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

We Made It

Well, we got moved and partially settled in. It was a very long and rough day, but we got it done. We still have some stuff to unpack, but for the time we aren't unpacking we will be relaxing this weekend and spending time with family and friends. Then probably starting on Monday we are going to start looking for jobs. Need some prayer that God will provide steady jobs quickly. That's all for tonight, but hopefully will be bringing good news soon.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Honoring Grandpa and Other News

I am posting this image of John Wayne in honor of my Grandpa, because the one year anniversary of his death is tomorrow (October 20th) and I will not have access to the internet until tomorrow when we are in Cincinnati. 

I remember a couple of major things my Grandpa said while he was still in his right mind, and one of them was to the nurse who came to care for him every little while. He had two identical pictures of John Wayne on his wall, and she asked if he was a John Wayne fan. His response? "I'm not a John Wayne fan, I'm THE John Wayne fan!" I'll never forget that.

Brighter news, we are moving tomorrow morning to Cincinnati, Ohio and I couldn't be more excited! It will be an adjustment, but I can't wait to see what God has for us there.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's Moving Time

This week is going to go by fast, and there is a whirlwind of things to get done during that time. We are done with Sonic and are fully focused on emptying and cleaning the house. Crazy to think at the end of the week we'll be going to Cincinnati, not to visit, but to stay. I think it'll hit me either when I start looking for a job there, or when we've been there for more than a week. Or both.

Moving has almost completely distracted me from the fact that at the end of this week will be the one year anniversary of my Grandpa's death. I say almost because I will be going through old pictures and see one of him and feel something tugging at me, or I'll see something about John Wayne and the same thing will happen (he was a huge John Wayne fan). I guess that's all for now, but I'll try to remember to post something on moving day. Only four days left!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

It Just Keeps Getting Better

So you saw that my wheat belly is gone, and now the news keeps coming. Not only am I losing weight easier (down to 156 now!), but my clothes are looser now, Especially my pants. I may have to buy new jeans and pants soon because I have to wear a belt with all of them now! This diet has really made the difference I was looking for!

Other excitement, David and I only have a few days left at Sonic, and we move at the end of next week. God has truly blessed us, and we surely would have never made it without Him, with the help of our family and friends. I've got the house probably about halfway packed, with boxes everywhere and piles of empty boxes in places too. I'm so ready to move on to the next stage of our lives, and so anxious to get back to Cincinnati!

I'm making some progress with my writing, learning new things along the way and getting re-acquainted with some things I had forgotten. I've also made another step; being honored to copy edit my mentor's new book that will hopefully be coming out soon. I realize I'm in the target audience, but I still feel privileged to have such an important part behind the scenes.

With so much going on in our lives right now, it's hard to focus on everything. I know God's got a plan and I can't wait to see what it is, and in the meantime I know we just have to trust in Him and His timing. Still waiting for a family, but we both think it's coming soon. Of course, soon to us and soon to God might be two different times, but I'm hoping and praying it's on our end of soon. I keep seeing more redheaded babies everywhere to couples with no red hair, so maybe that's a sign? Whatever the case, I know God knows what He's doing, and I'm doing what I can to help my body naturally do what it's supposed to do. Who knows, maybe that'll help things along.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

I'm So Excited!

For those of you who do know what I looked like before I went on my diet, I have been on this diet for almost a month, and I want to show you what I look like now! (Try to ignore the towel) My wheat belly is gone!!