Saturday, November 17, 2012

Update On Life

I didn't realize it had been so long since my last post, so here's what's been going on. God has been providing so much! First of all, if you didn't know already, David's car has not been running and we didn't know what was wrong with it. We finally got it to the repair shop, and unfortunately the repairs would almost cost as much as the car itself. So we made the decision to sell his car for scraps. This is where God provided. Although the day started out rough, we ended up with almost $200, and the same day we got the check from the University we had been waiting on, which was a lot more than we thought it would be!

Also, David started his job this past week, which is going well. He has a good chance of being hired on full time after the holidays, which means a good steady job. I start Sunday, and I'm a bit nervous, but it's mostly because I've had a week to forget what I've learned. However, I have started on my ADD medicine, and after some adjustment, it's starting to work. I'm hoping this will help with my job. I'm anxious to get started, but a little worried about Black Friday, because I know it's going to be insanely busy. Of course, at least I don't have to work a crazy early shift like David does (4 am to 4 pm). I think that's all for now. There might be more that I can't remember at the moment, but if there is I'll write about it soon enough.

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