Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Life is Moving Fast!

So this is my six month picture, roughly 26 weeks I think. Time has gone quickly, and this month is going to be no different. We have classes starting tonight, appointments to go to and showers to have. I also have an appointment with a new asthma doctor since I've not been seen for it since being diagnosed, and that fact that I'm pregnant. Samuel's getting so strong it hurts when he kicks! David is going to be such a good dad the way he touches and kisses my belly and talks to him. It's so wild that Samuel's already responding to certain things we say or do. We're so ready for him to be here!

Some other good news, David is now a permanent employee at Amazon, so now he has some job stability. He's also had some discoveries when it comes to God's plan and will is for him concerning working with youth in the church. He's come to realize that maybe he was interpreting it wrong, that maybe God doesn't necessarily want him to be a youth pastor, but just to be involved with the youth. It actually started when we were looking for a church, and when David checked out the youth page on their website, their basic philosophy was "we don't need you". In other words, they don't have a youth pastor, they get the parents involved. From the history we've had with parent involvement (or lack thereof), this was very appealing to us. That got David to thinking about the pros and cons of having youth pastors in the church. He did some research and some God seeking, and decided he didn't want to be a youth pastor anymore, but just wanted to be involved with the youth somehow. I fully support him in this decision, since I've been by his side throughout this whole process.

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