Friday, May 31, 2013

Much Needed Update

So I've been really busy lately and completely forgot about this, so I have a lot of catching up to do. Starting with the pregnancy, the placenta finally moved out of the way and we are free to go back to normal life! I've only gained about nine pounds in this whole five months, which I'm surprised about but not complaining. I've definitely been feeling Samuel kick, and he's growing so big and fast! At the 18 week ultrasound, he was nine ounces, and at the 21 week ultrasound he was one pound two ounces! We've gotten the crib and changing table/dresser set up, and I got some more clothes to put away.I'm actually a bit bigger than that now, but it's the most recent picture I have. Also, my aunt and cousin are throwing us a shower and a family friend is throwing us another shower. We are so blessed!

David is adjusting well to his job at Amazon and is making a positive impact and good impression on the people there. He even has the opportunity to get a full time permanent job there. Right now he's on contract and technically doesn't work for Amazon itself. He's also begun to get that paternal instinct, which makes me love him even more! We've talked about how we want to raise our son, and he was very upset at the possibility of not being able to go to the showers.

As it gets closer and closer time to have Samuel, I've started thinking about the type of example I want to set for him, and I've realized I am not where I want to be in my spiritual walk. Since Samuel can hear sounds now, I'm starting to read from my Bible to him each day as a part of my quiet time. It's actually really neat to think that I'm essentially reading the Bible to my son. I just really want to be a good influence on him, and I feel like this is really the best way to start.

Speaking of reading, I've been trying to make myself get back into reading, and maybe writing. Since my focus has completely shifted and has been for a while (oh say, about five months), I've been thinking about it some but never actually done anything. To be honest I didn't have the inspiration I once did. It might sound strange, but I ended up getting inspiration from a TV show I started watching- Law and Order:SVU (Special Victims Unit). The shows victims are very often children who have been abused in various ways, and sometimes the agents become personally involved. Watching enough episodes I became the same way because I started thinking about my unborn child and it got me heated. Finally, I've found something else I'm passionate about! It's just a start because I know that's a deep, dark hole I could get into if I did enough research, but since I'm going to be a mom, just thinking about some doing things like that to children makes me disgusted and want to share my voice about it.

In other, more positive news, we are finally in our own place! We have been here for a couple weeks, it's so great to finally be on our own again. We didn't realize just how much living with parents affects us, and our marriage. We are very happy here and hope to stay here a long time. We are very tired of moving every year, and with a child on the way , we need stability. This gives us what we need. I like it because it's far enough away from my parents to be on our own, but close enough that I can just drive over if I need something, or vice versa.

I think that's everything, but it's hard to keep track of what's going on because we've had a lot of changes happen, and it's about to get a lot busier, what with showers (not just mine-my sister-in-law's) and appointments and classes and such. But I will do my best to keep up with it as much as I can. Just a warning though, it may not be that often.

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