Thursday, October 31, 2013

We're Parents!

I realize it's been quite a while since an update, but he's here! Samuel Ryan Havener was born on Sunday, October 13, 2013 at 1:40 am by c-section. He weighed 8 lbs 8 oz and was 20 3/4 inches long. I was a week overdue so I had to be induced. We went in Friday evening and got the Cervidil put in, and by Saturday morning I was on Pitocin. My goal was to go natural, but nothing went according to "plan" that weekend. I did, however, manage to get to 8-9 cm with only something to take the edge off. I think going that far with no pain relief while on Pitocin is pretty good. Although, by that time I couldn't relax between contractions, and I was in so much pain that I did end up getting an epidural. That experience was bizarre; being able to see someone move your leg but not feeling anything messes with your head a little. After waiting a little while for me to relax and my body to respond the way it needed to, I was ready to bring Samuel into the world. Unfortunately, after pushing for two hours, he just didn't want to come out that way. By this time I was severely fatigued and, earlier, had already been sleeping between contractions, so I just wanted to "get it over with". I wasn't worried about the c-section until I was actually in the operating room; then I was a little scared. I was so sleepy I probably mistook "lots of pressure" for pain, but I slept through most of it anyway. I woke up enough to hear them say they were about to get the baby out, to hear him cry, see him, and see David tear up. I wish I could have seen him more and see David's reaction more, but I was so exhausted that I didn't really see anything or anyone until later that morning because I was asleep.

I do have one thing to say about everything after having Samuel, and that is that David is such a good Daddy! Every day I fall in love with him even more, all over again. He has a way with Samuel, Daddy's touch you could say. I'm so proud of him, and honored to have him as the father of my child (and future children). That being said, my parents are over the moon about Samuel and can't get enough of him!

God has blessed us more than we could have ever thought. It's hard to believe we've lived in Ohio for a year now. Looking back to last year, we were looking for jobs, wanting to start a family, and getting used to a new city. Reading some of my posts from back then, we had so much going on and it was interesting to see what was important and how things have changed. My focus has totally shifted in some aspects, and stayed the same in others. David has a good, steady job, I stay at home with Samuel (although I would go back to work seasonal at Macy's if I could), and we think we've found a church God wants us to be a part of. God has really brought us a long way in a short time.

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