Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Such a Big Boy, Time Flies!

Wow I completely forgot about my blog. Samuel is growing so fast, and is actually 8 1/2 months now, but this was the best shot of him with clothes on (it's been too hot lately to put him in anything unless we go out). He has three teeth (two look like little fangs on top and one bottom), he's still working on crawling but likes standing better, and has had a pretty good routine going until recently. He's in 12 month clothes but I think maybe growing out of them soon. He's so expressive! He's learning so much so fast and looking more and more like a little boy instead of a baby. He loves watermelon and dogs.

David is still at Amazon, but has been chosen to be an Ambassador, which basically means he gets to train new people on how to do tasks correctly (which that place is in desperate need of). No raise or anything, but now at least he can do something about it instead of complaining to people and them not caring.

We are still really liking our church, and can't wait to see the new building go up. I am about to start helping in the nursery, which I'm excited about because I miss it and Samuel will be in there so maybe he will get used to it.

I know this may not be much of an update, and I could go into much more detail, but I'm just writing down what I can think of off the top of my head. Don't want to bore anyone with all the details (unless you want them-but I could go on forever). Seeing as I don't get much adult conversation, and when I do I tend to ramble all about Samuel, I usually just keep it to myself (unless I'm talking to my mom). If you do want to talk just let me know!

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