Friday, November 14, 2014


So it's been about a month. And in that month, Samuel has gone from almost crawling to booking it all over the house! Also, I got a job working at Once Upon a Child on the weekends since David can watch Samuel. Since Samuel can crawl now, suddenly we have had to babyproof! And we have to watch him closer, because if we sit him on the couch he wants off, and since he doesn't know how to back off the couch he just crawls forward, which means he falls off. He's also found a new show he likes (Jake and the Neverland Pirates) that my niece has been into for a while. When he hears music or he's happy, he'll rock. He's finally learned how to bite something instead of shoving the whole thing in his mouth (though he still does that). Now that I'm working, we can start saving up money for the many things we've wanted/needed to do/get. But it has been an adjustment. David's realizing what it's like to be a stay-at-home parent, and the first few days when I got home he was affectionate and kept telling me he was thankful for what I did. He was also very tired. Of course, so was I from being on my feet all day. I am not used to that. I also missed my family, but honestly mostly Samuel since work constantly reminds me of him. It's hard not to shop while I'm working since I get to see everything we get in. But I think we're making it work. It's really nice when I get home and Samuel is excited to see me and gives me hugs!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Happy Birthday!

Can't believe Samuel is a whole year old today! It's been such a journey already. So worth it though! Saturday we celebrated his birthday with friends and family, and it was so much fun. Samuel is such a blessing and life would be so boring without him. He's learning so much so fast, and becoming a big boy. He's so close to crawling, he's cruising, he gets around in his own way and loves things that shake (he got maracas for his birthday and loves them!) He wants to walk so bad but doesn't have the balance, and is growing so fast!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Almost a Year!

Our baby boy is growing like crazy! In only one short month he will be a whole year old, it's gone by fast. Gosh there's so much to say I don't know where to start. Samuel wants to walk to so bad but he doesn't have the balance to stand by himself. He has so much energy! He loves cheerios and likes green beans. He's getting better at putting things in your hand when you ask, and putting things inside other things. His naps, however, seem to be less frequent and shorter in duration. He is starting to roll onto his other side to sleep now, which is good.

David is doing okay at Amazon, but people don't like listening or doing their work properly so it can be frustrating. Not much else going on there. I am volunteering in the nursery and liking it. Anxious to see how the church building will look once completed. We are dedicating Samuel this weekend, so I'm happy about that. I have been consistently been doing my devotion every day. Overall life has been good!

A few things that have been on my mind lately (some serious some not)- David and I are thinking that in a year or so we will need to purchase another vehicle, something bigger like a minivan or something, as well has upgrade our living arrangements (move to a bigger place). Not sure when the move would happen, but it would be when we have another kid. Now, something a bit more serious. Something that has been on my heart a lot lately, and I think has become more pronounced since Robin Williams died. People seem to be more depressed now than ever before, and unfortunately a lot of those people have contemplated suicide. It just breaks my heart that people would feel that way, and I pray every day for them. This world has become so dark (in other ways as well) and I'm just trying to do my little part to brighten it some, whether that be praying for someone or posting something encouraging on Facebook, or even having a discussion about opposing points of view. I use the Bible whenever I can. I just pray that I can make some kind of difference.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Such a Big Boy, Time Flies!

Wow I completely forgot about my blog. Samuel is growing so fast, and is actually 8 1/2 months now, but this was the best shot of him with clothes on (it's been too hot lately to put him in anything unless we go out). He has three teeth (two look like little fangs on top and one bottom), he's still working on crawling but likes standing better, and has had a pretty good routine going until recently. He's in 12 month clothes but I think maybe growing out of them soon. He's so expressive! He's learning so much so fast and looking more and more like a little boy instead of a baby. He loves watermelon and dogs.

David is still at Amazon, but has been chosen to be an Ambassador, which basically means he gets to train new people on how to do tasks correctly (which that place is in desperate need of). No raise or anything, but now at least he can do something about it instead of complaining to people and them not caring.

We are still really liking our church, and can't wait to see the new building go up. I am about to start helping in the nursery, which I'm excited about because I miss it and Samuel will be in there so maybe he will get used to it.

I know this may not be much of an update, and I could go into much more detail, but I'm just writing down what I can think of off the top of my head. Don't want to bore anyone with all the details (unless you want them-but I could go on forever). Seeing as I don't get much adult conversation, and when I do I tend to ramble all about Samuel, I usually just keep it to myself (unless I'm talking to my mom). If you do want to talk just let me know!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Half a Year!

Can't believe it's been six months already! Samuel continues to grow like a weed, and can do so many things now. He's getting closer to crawling, eats like his dad, and you can just see the wheels turning in his head as he learns new things every day. I'm so amazed at how quickly he picks up words and actions.

David is doing okay at work, but isn't necessarily liking it much anymore. The managers and other higher-ups aren't treating people the way they should, and a lot of people there are very lazy. I wish he would look for a new (better) job, but the pay is really good so he doesn't want to. On the plus side, doing all the walking around he does at night and not eating much is helping him lose weight fast! In fact, both of us have lost some weight due to not eating as much and walking more, etc. As for me, selling Tupperware didn't work out, so for right now I'm just staying home, but that's keeping me pretty busy so it's okay. Oh, and we got Samuel's six month pictures done, and a few family photos as well, so I'm really excited to get those back!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Our Growing Boy! (and other news)

Samuel has grown so fast over the past couple months! He's so close to being four months old, and can already do so much! There's nothing better than the sound of his laughter, and he can almost sit up by himself. He's starting to eat baby cereal, and quickly growing out of his clothes.

In other news, David has switched shifts (instead of Wednesday night through Saturday night, he works Sunday night through Wednesday night), so now he can carpool with our neighbor, which saves us both money. Also, I have started selling Tupperware as another source of income (hopefully it will become steady). So if you want to order something or book a party, let me know! As for my New Years commitments, I'm still faithfully doing my devotion every morning, but really not doing anything with the exercising. I need someone to do it with. Any takers?