Friday, March 29, 2013

A Little Bump in the Road

So we had our first appointment yesterday, and everything went well but one. the doctor said the placenta is covering my cervix, so they will do another ultrasound in a month to see if it has moved. Until then, David and I can't be -ahem- *together*. We just need a little prayer that it will move. Now, by move, I don't mean that it actually moves. As my uterus expands, the placenta will gravitate with it, hopefully pulling it away from my cervix. So we need everyone's prayers for strength and that the placenta will move to the place it's supposed to be. Also, David is still trying to find a Youth Pastor job, having some luck with interviews but not getting anywhere after that. We know God has a plan but wish He would show us a little bit more of that plan.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Great News!

So as you can see we had our first ultrasound today! People are right when they say the most beautiful sound in the world is a baby's heartbeat. When I heard it I cried and smiled and just laid there and listened. The heartbeat was 155, and seeing the baby was so amazing! It measured at 12 weeks although I'm only supposed to be 11 weeks and 4 days. It was jumping around and moving, and it was so great to see our baby! In other news, David's interview went well, and should find out something the end of this week or the beginning of next. David really likes the church and the people, and we both really want him to get this job. Please pray.

Friday, March 15, 2013

God's Greatest Blessing!

So I know I haven't updated my blog in a long time, but it's because the one thing worth blogging I couldn't talk about until now. God has decided to bless us with a baby! That's right, I'm pregnant! I'm actually almost three months, and boy has it been interesting. I've definitely had symptoms, and I'm starting to get really excited because I had my first OB appointment, and next week we get to see an ultrasound. I'm thankful beyond words that God has given us this gift.

Something else great that has happened, David has an interview with a church in Dayton, the same day as the ultrasound.

So now that everyone knows, I'll try to keep updating on my pregnancy, as well as David's progress. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers and keep them coming.