Friday, November 14, 2014


So it's been about a month. And in that month, Samuel has gone from almost crawling to booking it all over the house! Also, I got a job working at Once Upon a Child on the weekends since David can watch Samuel. Since Samuel can crawl now, suddenly we have had to babyproof! And we have to watch him closer, because if we sit him on the couch he wants off, and since he doesn't know how to back off the couch he just crawls forward, which means he falls off. He's also found a new show he likes (Jake and the Neverland Pirates) that my niece has been into for a while. When he hears music or he's happy, he'll rock. He's finally learned how to bite something instead of shoving the whole thing in his mouth (though he still does that). Now that I'm working, we can start saving up money for the many things we've wanted/needed to do/get. But it has been an adjustment. David's realizing what it's like to be a stay-at-home parent, and the first few days when I got home he was affectionate and kept telling me he was thankful for what I did. He was also very tired. Of course, so was I from being on my feet all day. I am not used to that. I also missed my family, but honestly mostly Samuel since work constantly reminds me of him. It's hard not to shop while I'm working since I get to see everything we get in. But I think we're making it work. It's really nice when I get home and Samuel is excited to see me and gives me hugs!