Saturday, September 13, 2014

Almost a Year!

Our baby boy is growing like crazy! In only one short month he will be a whole year old, it's gone by fast. Gosh there's so much to say I don't know where to start. Samuel wants to walk to so bad but he doesn't have the balance to stand by himself. He has so much energy! He loves cheerios and likes green beans. He's getting better at putting things in your hand when you ask, and putting things inside other things. His naps, however, seem to be less frequent and shorter in duration. He is starting to roll onto his other side to sleep now, which is good.

David is doing okay at Amazon, but people don't like listening or doing their work properly so it can be frustrating. Not much else going on there. I am volunteering in the nursery and liking it. Anxious to see how the church building will look once completed. We are dedicating Samuel this weekend, so I'm happy about that. I have been consistently been doing my devotion every day. Overall life has been good!

A few things that have been on my mind lately (some serious some not)- David and I are thinking that in a year or so we will need to purchase another vehicle, something bigger like a minivan or something, as well has upgrade our living arrangements (move to a bigger place). Not sure when the move would happen, but it would be when we have another kid. Now, something a bit more serious. Something that has been on my heart a lot lately, and I think has become more pronounced since Robin Williams died. People seem to be more depressed now than ever before, and unfortunately a lot of those people have contemplated suicide. It just breaks my heart that people would feel that way, and I pray every day for them. This world has become so dark (in other ways as well) and I'm just trying to do my little part to brighten it some, whether that be praying for someone or posting something encouraging on Facebook, or even having a discussion about opposing points of view. I use the Bible whenever I can. I just pray that I can make some kind of difference.