Saturday, December 14, 2013

Time Flies

Here's an updated picture of our little guy! He's two months old now and weighs a lot more than he did when he was born. He's also gained inches. He loves to eat, but we actually discovered that he needs the sensitive formula, which means he could take after me and have a milk allergy. We're discovering he might like lions and dogs. He's sleeping through the night now, and growing like a weed!

I'm getting more and more excited about future homeschooling, especially with what I've been hearing about the education system lately. I've been thinking about everywhere we can take him to really get the experience instead of just reading from a book.

We've made some new friends, and it started because David works with the guy and discovered that they live right above us. They have a baby boy as well, and we're discovering we have more and more in common with them. It's so nice to have friends like this. Speaking of work, David has been doing great at work, getting small rewards for his hard work.

We've also found a church home in Mt. Carmel Christian Church. We're glad we've found somewhere to stay, and this is the first step to us settling down here, planting some roots. This means that in a few more years we hope to buy a home here, hopefully before we have another child (we have no room for another in this apartment). I know it's not much of an update, but that's our life in a nutshell right now.