Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Short Update

I know I haven't updated in a while, but there's really not much to say at the moment. If you haven't read my previous post, I edited it to say that I got the hospitality job at Chick-fil-a! I'm even starting out at more than I thought. Normally they do a review after 30 days and if they think you're good enough to be out of training, they'll move you up to normal and give you a small raise. I've only been there two weeks, and my manager (or as they say, director) is so impressed with me that she's going to try to do my review the next time I work, so that I can be bumped up and get my raise. God is awesome!! He's the Great Provider! However, David is still looking for a job, so please send extra prayers his direction. Right now we are really trying to save up some money so we can get our own place. That's about it for now (told you there wasn't much), I'm just focusing on my job and trying to find our own church. My writing has taken a back seat due to work, but hopefully I will get back on track soon.